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See the VisualArea SDK in action

Application Areas

VisualArea SDK is a tool that can be used in several fields where face-based identification can be applied or when other face-based information is needed to be extracted. It is a multifunctional kit for developers and may be extended with other functionalities.

      Some ideas about when to use VisualArea SDK:

      • entrance identification in any facility
      • extending card-based systems by camera authentication
      • customer analysis
      • development of emotion detectors
      • camera calibration and noise filtering
      • implementation of gender recognition algorithms
      • when processing multiple video streams
      • for data mining from huge face databases

      Identification and authorization are hot topics nowadays, and so is the protection of buildings and personal data. Several facilities use card-based or password-protected entrance systems, but those only require you to possess a given card or know the password. It is often seen that people let others in by their own cards or lend their cards to others. With the help of a sophisticated face recognition system all the people using cards can be validated by using an authentication algorithm as well, thus eliminating a huge loophole in the present-used solutions.

      VisualArea SDK contains a built-in face detector which founds faces on the camera images, labels them and tracks those faces as long as they are seen. Sample images are extracted during this tracking phase, and face recognition is applied to them several times in case of a better result. The result of authorization and identification trigger an alert if the person has no right to enter and database logs are also created.

      Another option, the automated customer analysis is a relatively new field, but there is a constantly growing demand on such applications. Imagine a system that is capable of approximately determining the sex, gender and age of the customers: what plus information! Such a system can help in choosing the best performing advertisements, in deciding what items to sell, and retrieves information about how well the advertisements worked among different customer groups.

      VisualArea SDK has the ability to run new algorithms on the found faces, thus once you implemented a gender or an age recognizer of your own it only needs to be added to the processing threads, and this new set of data will also be extracted and may be retrieved from the database later on.